One of the big misconceptions of the law of attraction is that little word called wanting. What's even worst is not just the word but the action state that goes into wanting your desires.
First lets understand something about mastering the law of attraction. Now that the law of attraction has become mainstream people all think or assume that getting what they want is about making a wish and everything just happening out of thin air if only they say that it will.
Sorry to tell you but many of the teachers in the secret movie don't know a thing about manifesting. Yes, I know you think that the secret movie is the holy grail but it's not. It's an infomercial for the teachers to later sell you the real deal. No doubt it's a feel good movie but there are many parts that need to be understood in order to get it to work.
The secrets to manifesting have always been taught to those who have made a dedicated practice of learning to develop their inner self through meditation practices. In applying many of these sacred techniques one can alter themselves and physical reality. These secret manifesting techniques are desired to alter the thing you want and draw it towards you. This is power this is not wanting.
When you are in a state of wanting you are out of alignment with what you would rather have in your life. You are now resonating with what you don't want. By simply moving into that wanting state you are telling the universe to give you more wanting. This is an all too common state for most people and the reason why many will never see results.
The secret to the law of attraction is that it meets you where you are. It gives you what you already have and what you already feel.