I hate to say this but very few people will ever manifest the money that they want to manifest. It's not because money is hard to manifest but there are a few deeply rooted characteristics that too many people have implanted in their being which causes them to get stuck when it comes to manifesting money.
This is not to say that those poor characteristics cannot be changed, sure they can be changed but someone must actually make the effort to change these conditions first.
Mental Architecture is at the heart of manifesting money. Before you can manifest more money you have to align yourself with it by being able to see and feel its nature in your being. Because so few people know how to visualize or even what to visualize there is a lot of failure when it comes to manifesting money. The mindful practices get wasted on the wrong mental images.
Learning the language of the universe takes a bit of trust, time and patience. The universe communicates with us in many ways. When you ask for guidance or you ask for help with manifesting money you are given signs on where to find it.
However few people take the time to learn these secrets and so they run all over the place hoping that the next stop will be the place. If you understand that the universe will take you to a straight line to where you can get what you want you won't waste time, instead you will simply learn to listen and trust where and when and how.
Taking immediate action is vital to gaining success when manifesting money. Here is why action is necessary. Let's imagine that you are on your way to meet with someone in a place you have never been. You stop to ask someone for directions, hopefully they will guide you to the fastest route.
However what if you don't take that route? What if you sit around wasting time? Then at some later time you get up and you have forgotten the exact directions not only that, by the time you have arrived you have missed meeting the person you intended on finding.
Life is the same. When you ask the universe for guidance on manifesting money you are given the fastest route to the source but that source can change at any time and by not taking action you are missing your target.
You can say that your target is moving but are you moving in the direction with your target at rapid speed? Manifesting money requires all these metaphysical principles as well as the practical principles. One cannot exist without the other.