One of the most difficult part to manifesting and living consciously through the law of attraction is your ability to let go of what you want to manifest in your life. Does it seem contradictory to the entire manifesting process? After all you really do want what you want, so how can you pretend not to really want it?
There is something that happens when you really want something, Let us take a look at what that is. Normally when you think that you want something you are in a state of neediness for it.
When you feel that deep need and want you are then sending a clear signal that you do not have. You may even feel fearful, worried and doubtful of the possibility that you can even truly have what you want.
Based on how the law of attraction works, it follows through with those deeper thoughts and matching feelings and gives you more of what you more of what you are feeling. In order to attract something you must already feel that it is yours.
When you feel that what you want is already yours then you are in alignment with it. In the reverse when you are living in the feelings of needing and wanting and worry it clearly means that most of your thoughts are on what you don't want rather than what you do want. When this happens you are then pushing away what you truly want.
Think about it more deeply. When you are feeling worried it means that your thoughts are on a negative outcome, which is certainly not what you really want to attract. The law of attraction is relies on your mental images you are holding in your mind to determine what you attract.
If the majority of your thoughts are based on what you are afraid of then you will continue to attract more of what you are afraid of.
The First Steps To Letting Go Of What You Want
Gratitude is one of the most powerful keys to letting of worry and fear. By being grateful for what you already have in your life, you will move into a state of realizing that you are already full and have all that you already need.
Gratitude is a much more powerful technique than you may realize. When you are grateful you feel full you feel blessed.
The more grateful and blessed you feel the more powerfully the law of attraction works for you. You move into harmony with the universe when you practice deep and heartfelt gratitude. You will notice that everything will begin to flow through your life in abundance because not only are you aligned but you are in an open appreciative state rather than a fearful, worried or needy state.
Moreover when you feel grateful you tend to hold images in your mind that bring you joy. As you hold those images which make you joyful and happy you attract more and more of those circumstances.
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