Discover Why the Law of Attraction by Itself Cannot Make You Rich

 The law of attraction cannot make you rich, here are a few reasons why. There is a faulty virus being spread that if you just thinking positive you can attract all the money that you want. This is a damaging misconception of the law of attraction which has ruined many people's lives.

The law of attraction is a law which supports you just as you are, it adds to what you already have. It duplicates what is already in existence. So what you are presently examining in your life and what you are speaking about all make up who you presently are and the law of attraction support all of this by bringing you the same conditions that are already in your present life

At the very center of the whole law of attraction thing is YOU. So in order to attract more money and wealth you have to become more abundant. Ah! This must seem like the biggest contradiction. How can you be wealthy if you do not have wealth? The secret is to become wealthy in your thoughts and by increasing your thoughts of wealth you transmit those thoughts out into the universe. Soon enough those thoughts become bard of your aura and create your magnetic field. An abundant magnetic field will attract people and situations to you that match that field of abundance.

Increased Mind Power is the Key

All techniques such as visualization, meditation, and affirmations are all designed to assist you in developing a strong mental power and an ability to recreate your life on the mental plain. You can redesign a whole you life and create images of abundance in the spiritual real which will duplicate itself in physical form by taking action which supports what you have created.

Discover Why the Law of Attraction by Itself Cannot Make You Rich Discover Why the Law of Attraction by Itself Cannot Make You Rich Reviewed by Author on January 16, 2021 Rating: 5
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