If you struggle to apply the law of attraction in your life I am going to share with you one very important key that is often over looked. Everyone has come to understand the extreme importance in maintaining positive energy in their life. However not everyone seems to understand what just why positive energy is essential to attracting what you want.
Positive energy is not only a great motivator for getting what you want, there are more factors to it. Positive energy is creative and it is a giving energy. It takes energy to create what you want. However on the other hand negative energy is an energy which subtracts. It is a destructive energy.
When you are surrounded by a lot of negative energy it makes it very hard to actually manifest what you want, because you are always in a state of being empty. Your life force energy is on low, just like a car or a battery.
You may be doing all that you can to attract what you want but somehow have found yourself in the mix with others who work tirelessly to break you down or take away your good fortune. When someone projects a negative vibe into your goals they are stopping it from happening if you have not learned how to add more energy to your desire. That is why self protection is extremely important.
You may be working very hard at applying the law of attraction and yet not seeing the results you know very well you should be receiving. Ask yourself are you surrounded by others who are constantly jealous of you? Are you in the atmosphere with others who speak ill of you all the time? Do they try to bring you down? If you answer is yes then you absolutely must protect yourself from such persons.