Are you aware of the law of reciprocity and if so are you applying it to your life? The law of reciprocity works synergistically with the law of attraction to enhance your desired outcome.
Everything in your present reality is a mirror of not only what is going on within you but what you are giving and doing to others. It is part of the golden rule, "Do to others what you would have done to you." This is the core principle of the law of reciprocity.
Recently someone asked me a very good question. Her concern was, "why do I work so very hard only to have my blessings go to someone else? This seems to happen very often to me."
My response to her was, "Are you aware of how you are being with others?" This is a most necessary self reflection for all of us not just for her. If you are being loving and sending good thoughts and intentions out to others the world will do just that for you. However if you are secretively envious and wishing ill on others, hoping to take what another has this will also be done to you.
As you try to apply the law of attraction in a constructive way in your life, first become aware of what you are and how you are being.
You cannot manifest in your life what you deny another.
You cannot hope to engage the spiritual laws of attraction in your life to bring you wealth while taking from others. The law of attraction requires that you be and give as you would also wish to attract. Place your mind in a state of love for all and that is what will return to you. See the world and everyone around as happy and abundant and you will also attract that to yourself.
There are many parts to the attraction process that many people miss. It's no wonder that while you may spend much time visualizing what you desire you do not see results.