Are you confident in your ability to attract what you want? Are you successful in your ability to visualize your desires? If your answer is no, then you are not alone. Very often people complain that they cannot visualize and are uncertain if they are visualizing correctly.
There are several reasons you may not be able to attract what you want and your lack of visualization skills may be one of them. A very large percentage of people are unable to see anything in their mind's eye. Because they are unable to actually visualize they are unable to gain success with their desires.
To attract something you must be able to see it clearly in all its parts.
The 3 Common Complaints
Do you experience a deep dark void when you close your eyes? Many people do. They are simply unable to see any anything. Because they are unable to see the mental images they are not encouraged to continue with their mental manifesting techniques. There is a powerful Yogi meditation which clears up that dark void.
Unable to Get into the Right Mental State - You can't simply close your eyes and manifest what you want. There is a technique to it all and the right brain waves need to be applied. There is an optimal mental state for manifesting which all too often is hard to apply. One thing which helps to calm the mind is brain entrainment music. It has the ability to harmonize the brainwaves so that you can better apply the best visualization techniques. Without that many people will continue to have a very difficult time at manifesting their desires.
Insufficient Knowledge of Mental techniques - Not all meditation techniques are the same. There is one very powerful meditation technique that can really deeply enhance your ability to open your mind's eye. With each application of the meditation your ability to visualize greatly increases. Not only that, but your ability to manifest will improve a whole lot as well.
The idea of all of this is to find the tools that work and work very well. After a few applications you can and should be able to see greater results in attracting what you want.