How much do you really want to manifest what you want? There are three codes to manifesting that you must understand if you want success, wealth and more joy in your life. Everyone is programmed with their own mental and energetic codes.
Many of those codes have been implanted since childhood but many are also implanted by the friends you have in your life, the environment where you live and what you invest your time in. Before you aim to manifest anything new you must know how to read those codes.
1.) Your personal codes are made up of all the inner thoughts feelings and beliefs that are a part of you. In order to manifest anything new you have to first put the spotlight on yourself. You have to know what sort of frequency you are emitting.
You emit a frequency like radio waves and unless you know what those frequencies are you will surely have difficulty in manifesting what you want.
2.) The second manifesting codes you must read and understand are the codes within the thing you are hoping to manifest. Manifesting a new situation, person or experience requires that you become aware of the frequency that is being sent out by the person, place or situation that you are hoping to attract in your life.
When you know what that frequency is you can then match your own frequency to that thing you want.
3.) The third manifesting code that is vitally important to the mix are the environmental codes. Your office where you work every day, the community where you live and your home environment are all encoded.
Do you know what it is encoded for? All those environments influence your ability to manifest what you want. They may support or they may cancel out what you are hoping to manifest in your life.
Often times people complain about not seeing results yet they do not realize all the part that go into the mix in order to see results. You have to learn to decode all those elements and when you do there will be greater success in how fast you can manifest what you want.